Embark on an epic quest to rid the world of oppression and tyranny! Engage in epic battle against over-powered forces of evil that will push you beyond your limits!!
Just sit back and enjoy a few relaxing game sessions of Switches! The real world is "epic" enough as it is so a change in pace might just be what you need to unwind.
Mandatory Game Features List:
* Daily rewards
* Put your time-task mastery to the test!
* Gain and use Speed Booster help you get that high score for the level
* Random weather effect (just rain really.. but it's still random!)
* Share (brag) your hard-earned high score!
* And many many many others..
How to Play Switches!:
1. Swipe switch to move elevators
2. Get people to their floors
3. Faster
4. ... and faster!
5. Get rewarded, if u did good enough
Pro tip: Use both left and right thumbs to play!
This game is suitable for family and kids. Switches! is completely free to play but some in-game item such as Diamonds will require purchase.
Enjoy this Free Game!
Thank you for playing!
Good luck!
Seriously.. Stop reading and play!